Within the details panel you can also find form builder which represent second mayor tool. In the details panel you can edit things from the whiteboard such as add actors connectors, select a task type or just general information. The whiteboard which is used for drawing process flow diagram and making definition of each step. Bonita BPM studio is a graphical environment which allows us to create process and it contains two major tools. (LinkedIn, 2015) 1.1 Bonita BPM 6.4 Bonita BPM consists two parts: Bonita BPM studio and Bonita BPM platform.
Bonitasoft has open source code since they believe that this will encourage the further education and development of new technologies in BPM software. They are not only targeting the multinationals here but all the companies independent of size or industry.
Their main vision is to deliver a software to every organization, which will help to improve operational efficiency. All together they have about 100 employees.

The company is privately held and has four offices in Paris, Grenoble, New York and San Francisco. Nowadays they have reached 3mil downloads and they have about 1000 loyal customers in more than 60 countries. Since the release of Bonita 1 and all up to Bonita BPM 6.4 they have recorded constant growth in open source downloads. Their main product is Bonita which has been developing all since 2001. The company only focus on software development and they are mostly specified in BPM software. In addition I will do a deeper analysis of software itself and see which features they offer and what are the advantages and disadvantages.ġ BONITASOFT PRESENTATION The company was founded in 2001 by bunch of computer engineers in France. Furthermore I will compare the value of each package they offer and I will try to point out the one which seems to have higher value for consumers. Firstly I will present the vendors and then I will give a brief description of both software where we will see the basic idea of each one. My comparison will be based on the data that can be found on web and the one that I will experience myself from the usage of these software.
These software are used mostly by small and medium enterprise and both have free versions to try out. In my project work I have chosen to deeply analyze Bonita BPM 6.4 and Bizagi BPM Suite 10.6.1. The detailed analysis and comparison has to be done before making the final decision. Therefore the costumer has to choose the most appropriate software for its own needs. Nowadays the costumers are put in front of huge variety of software which tends to cover the area of BPM.

Since the demand for BPM software is on the raise, the software developing companies had been competing for the market share and the number of new software companies is on the raise as well. It has become very important since the companies are competing globally more and more therefore the software which can improve our efficiency is representing a huge competitive advantage.

INTRODUCTION Business process management (BPM) has in the last two decades earned its position in almost every company worldwide. 4 Figure 4: Wizard View.5 Table 1: Bizagi Pricing. TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Bonita BPM Studio.2 Figure 2: Bonita BPM Portal. UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS